Located in the rural community of Orini in the Waikato region is Airlie Lodge. A dairy farm, milking 780 cows on 238 hectares of land.
In 2022, sharemilker, Graeme Bell reached out to NumatAGRI for some rubber matting solutions that they could install in the Entry/Exit and Platform of their rotary shed. The previous rubber matting on the rotary platform was wearing down and their concrete entry/exit was also getting worn down with daily traffic.
“The old entry and exit matting was stuffed and concrete on the exit was starting to become quite pitted. We also had slipping issues with the steel platform.”
- Graeme Bell, Airlie Lodge
They decided to install Kura matting in the entry and exit points and Ergomats on the 50-bail rotary platform. Having had rubber matting previously, Graeme knew that by installing purpose-built rubber matting they could minimise slips and improve cow flow during milking. Rubber matting could also help them lower maintenance costs and keep their concrete areas from further wear by adding a layer of protection with rubber that can safeguard the surface and cushion the hooves going over it.
Since NumatAGRI’s rubber mats, Graeme has seen cows come more comfortably and readily into the milking shed. Cow flow has improved, and the previous slipping issue has disappeared.
“Cows walk on it really well, and we no longer have the slipping issue.”
Featured product:
Premium interlocking mat with mosaic profile and thick studded base. W: 850mm x L: 1190mm Thickness: 25mm
Contact us to order
To ensure this is the right product for your application we recommend speaking to one of our surfacing consultants.
Featured product:
Solid rubber interlocking mats for herringbone pit flooring. Diamond stud profile, studded base. Width: 1700mm | Length: 950mm | Thickness: 17mm
Further Case Studies
View AllFurther Case Studies
No More Pasture Damage at Van Ras Farm with NumatAGRI
Te Puninga, Waikato
For Richard and Johan van Ras, Numat’s rubber matting was a lifesaver that put an end to pasture damage that threatened their farm's viability.
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How slat matting helped this Southland farm eliminate slip injuries
Wairuna, Southland
Southland farmer Barry Pannett was having major problems with crook joints and cows skinning themselves on concrete slats in his three herd homes.
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Kura Rubber Mats Saved His Farm
Hauraki Plains, Waikato
Wayne says KuraMat on his feedpads saved his farm. The wettest Waikato winter in 30 years meant he had to standoff his cows for a solid month. The result? He came through it with no cow losses, no pasture damage and no worries while others in the region without similar matting really suffered.
Further Case Studies
95% Drop in Lameness at Isla Bank Dairy Farm
Isla Bank, Southland
Isla Bank dairy farm installed rubber matting for a massive 95% drop in lameness, better cow flow, and increased productivity.