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“No more bad hoof problems” for Swanslea Farm

Kopaurahi, Waikato

Henry Schipper installed Numat rubber matting on his yard in Kopaurahi in 2010, after major issues with pugging in wintertime.

In the past, Henry had used other options including sawdust pads, but they would become mucky and cause leaching, which was no longer a viable solution.

With an issue at hand, they began looking into other options for standing off. Building a whole new pad would have been a big cost, so they decided to utilize their yard. To do so, they needed to address the concrete surface as Henry felt putting the cows on concrete day in and day out was not a feasible option long-term. That’s why he chose to put Numat rubber matting down.

“Since we’ve put the matting down, we’ve had basically no bad hoof problems, nothing like we used to have.”

Straight away, Henry noticed a big reduction in hoof problems. And with the rubber matting in, they found they could put the cows on the yard for a fortnight to three weeks at a time when wet. Henry simply gives them four to five hours of grazing and then they’re back on the rubber.

“They’re quite happy. Yeah, it’s warm, I think. That’s the big thing. They haven’t really looked back, you know… they love it.”

The main benefits that Henry has found with the matting are durability and cow comfort. When the cows are dragging stones onto the yard, the matting has a bit of give which has led to a big reduction in hoof problems.

“Since we’ve put the matting down, we’ve had basically no bad hoof problems, nothing like we used to have.”

Even after 10 years of having the rubber matting, Henry is still impressed with the quality of the rubber. “I think the state of them is still really good.” Ten years seems like a long time but due to the matting’s durability and quality, Henry hopes to get another 10 years, stating, “I thought I’d probably get 10 years out of it. Well, we’re there now so I’m quite happy. Hopefully another ten years.”

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