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YoungStar Rubber Matting: Most Common Questions

Installing quality rubber matting offers a surface compatible with your animal’s natural environment. It can help reduce slips, injuries, and surface noise which all contribute to keeping cattle calm and safe during processing.

NumatAGRI’s rubber matting solutions have helped make cattle handling easier and improve day-to-day operations in feedlots and farms across Australia.

In this video, we answer 7 of the most common questions we get asked about rubber matting and hope to help you explore whether rubber matting would be a good solution for your farm. 

1. Do YoungStar mats have a warranty?

Yes, they do. However, we are yet to find out how long they really do last. Our team of specialists installed Youngstar 32 rubber mats on the bridge of a 75,000-head feedlot over 3 years ago and have recorded over a million cattle that have gone over the mats to date. We are keeping an eye on that installation and how the product is performing under the traffic and environment. These observations will govern what kind of warranty we can give our customers in the future.

2. How do I cut the YoungStar mats?

The most effective way to cut NUmatAGRI’s rubber matting is using a sharp, Stanley-type knife, with snap-off blades that keep the leading edge sharp. First, make a shallow cut across the mat and then follow that incision up with a deeper cut as you pull the rubber away from the blade. This should leave you with a clean, straight edge.

3. How long does it take to install?

The length of time it takes to install rubber matting depends on how much cutting is required to fit your space, and the condition of your existing surfacing. For reference: on a lead-on race up to a crush, installing rubber matting could take up to 5 hours. This depends on whether it’s a straight race or a curved race. A curved race requires a lot more cutting and it’s more labour-intensive, which means it will take longer to complete.

4. How easy is it to clean YoungStar mats?

Youngstar matting is quick and easy to clean. Many of our farmers who are using YoungStar mats in their operations have often found the mats easier to clean than concrete. This is because, concrete is porous, and often has deep grooves, whereas Youngstar mats are made from non-porous vulcanized rubber.

5. Do I need to fix the YoungStar mats down?

It is highly recommended that the rubber matting is fixed and anchored to the ground.  This is to prevent movement when the mats are under pressure.

6. How do I fix YoungStar mats down?

We have found that the most effective way to fix Youngstar mats down is by using a 70mm stainless steel screw, with a stainless steel-shaped washer.

When installing your mats, do all your cutting and laying before you do any anchoring. Once the mats are all in place, you can then go around and drill a hole in the areas you want to secure your mat.  Make sure you go deep enough so that your anchors don’t bottom out when you’re trying to nail the pins in.  Put the crew through the specially shaped washer and drill it into the concrete.

Once the screw is securely in, it should sink into the mat so that when you put a straight edge or a ruler across the top of the mat you have an air gap of at least 2 or 3mm. This air gap is important because it means that when the cattle stand on the mat, they won’t actually be touching the anchor.   

7. Where are the YoungStar mats made?

NumatAGRI has a dedicated research and development team who very passionate about animal health and welfare and have been involved in the agriculture industry for decades. We design our own rubber matting and get them manufactured under license in our own moulds to our particular standards and specifications. This is to ensure that the rubber matting we provide is of premium quality. The locations of our manufacturers include Canada, Germany, and India. 

To find out more about NumatAGRI’s rubber matting solutions or installations give the team a call on 0800 686 119, flick us an email, or fill in the form on our contact page.