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[Video] Little Ben Station reduces lame cow numbers with Legend

Omarama, Canterbury

When Merv McCabe went looking for a solution to his effluent containment and lame cow problems he considered a few different options including white gravel, concrete, and rubber matting.

Merv knew concrete would be hard on his cows hooves and that white gravel would require frequent maintenance. After doing his sums, he discovered rubber matting was the most cost effective option for addessing both problems.

After an on-site visit, Numat recommended their Canadian-made Legend mat to cover the trouble area. Merv agreed and installed the mats himself.

“The cows love it. They virtually dance on it. It’s encouraging to see that.”

Since laying the rubber down, Merv says he’s seen a major reduction in foot problems adding, “The cows love it. They virtually dance on it. It’s encouraging to see that.”

“Was it worth it? I’d have to say it was… hence why we’re doing the other two lanes this season.”

One of Merv’s major concerns prior to installing the matting was not knowing how long it would last and if it would be cost effective.

Since then, any question over the durability of the matting has been well and truly satisfied. Merv says, “We’ve done three seasons and you would think that it was only put down yesterday.”

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Further Case Studies

Kura Rubber Mats Saved His Farm

Hauraki Plains, Waikato

Wayne says KuraMat on his feedpads saved his farm. The wettest Waikato winter in 30 years meant he had to standoff his cows for a solid month. The result? He came through it with no cow losses, no pasture damage and no worries while others in the region without similar matting really suffered.

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Increased stand-off time with Kura matting

Tirau, Waikato

Bryce Anderton was faced with a number of lame cows when he first moved farms. When he moved a second time he was determined history wouldn’t repeat. That meant making quality rotary and stand-off matting a top priority.

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An End to Sore Feet in the Yard

Matamata, Waikato

“Sore feet” is the straightforward answer given by Gordon David when asked the reasons behind his purchase of new matting for his 300-strong dairy herd.

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